Town Meeting Candidates' Answers (2007)

Questions to the Town Meeting Candidates

Precinct One

Answers from Stacy Ann Billingsley

Has not yet participated.

Answers from F. Ann Devlin

E-mail Address:

Precinct: 1

Current Positions Held / Political Experience

I have been a Town Meeting member for Precinct 1 for the past 10 years. I have also served on the Vinegar Hill Committee, The Affordable Housing Committee, the Trash/Recycling Committee, and have been a member of the Saugus Tree Committee since its inception.

Current Occupation / Work Experience

I am a former teacher with a BS in Education and currently work part time at Barnes & Noble.

Degrees Held / Education

BS in Education from the former Boston State College (now UMass Boston).

Currently A Member Of...

I have been a member of SAVE (Saugus Action Volunteers for the Environment) for about 12 years and am currently SAVE President

There was talk recently of the state taking over Saugus; would this be good or bad, and why?

It would be a very bad thing for the town to reach a point where the state would need to take over. We would lose all local control and I think that the state might make decisions that we would not be happy with. It is far better for this town to take a hard look at what we need to do to stay within our budget.

Do you have any ideas about how to reduce expenses?

I think that the unions have to try to work within our 2 and 1/2 cap. I was disappointed that the SEA asked for a 5 year raise in pay before agreeing to encourage their members to support the GIC- this, before even seeing what the GIC will actually save the town. Now the other unions, I'm sure, will expect the same salary increases. I would have hoped that the unions had waited to see what was, in fact, realized in savings before demanding the increase in pay.

What do you think will be the biggest challenge facing the Town of Saugus in the next two years?

The Capital Improvement Plan provided for new public buildings for every area but the schools. Now they are in a sad state and there is also a tremendous need to update books and technology to provide for a comparable education for our children as they would have in most other surrounding communities.

Do you have any ideas on how Saugus can best protect its neighborhoods from overcrowding?

I would hope that we can hang on to the last remaining open spaces in Saugus and not develop every last square foot of land within our borders. In the past, I worked very hard to try to get the Community Preservation Act passed by the voters. This Act was one way to help a town buy open space because that is the only way to prevent over-development. Unfortunately, the voters did not agree.

What else do you think is important?

I think that the Manager and the Selectmen have to have full transparency so that trust will be restored in this town and we can move forward. I would like to see that the focus is not always the dollar but, instead, first and foremost, what is best for the health of the townspeople. I would also like to see a real incentive program to encourage many more people to reduce, reuse, and recycle - which will be the first step in improving the health of the town.

Submitted: 2007/11/05

Answers from Albert J. DiNardo

E-mail Address:

Precinct: 1

Current Positions Held / Political Experience

Town Meeting 20 years PRT # 8 and 4 Tree Committee Sign by-law Committee Sidewalk Committee

Current Occupation / Work Experience

Saugus small business owner Homeowner/ taxpayer

Degrees Held / Education

A.S Horticulture/ small business

Currently A Member Of...

SAVE Knights of Columbus

There was talk recently of the state taking over Saugus; would this be good or bad, and why?

NO take -over is need, WE had a medical expense problem, Saugus entering into the GIC will help stop the growth in medical cost for the TOWN of Saugus. OUR local aid is at 2001 level, IF we had growth on local aid since 2001 we would be in great shape.

Do you have any ideas about how to reduce expenses?

WE need to link public service with other citys and TOWNS, Malden and Revere are shairing a Fire station soon, WE could do the same with Melrose and wakefield this would help the west-side and we would have greater help from those other towns on a FIRST call for a fire.

What do you think will be the biggest challenge facing the Town of Saugus in the next two years?

Building NEW schools and finding the funding to do so and selling it to the public. Chelsea and REVERE have new schools, although we pay more per student to send our students to the VOKE. Saugus pays about 1.8 million to the voke, while chelsea pays less than $700,000, while they are sending 100 more students.

Do you have any ideas on how Saugus can best protect its neighborhoods from overcrowding?

purchase more open space

What else do you think is important?

Saugus needs a vision for the furture of our TOWN, West-side fire station, new schools, and revamping Saugus Center and Cliftondale square area. Also we need to plant more trees to keep our TOWN look.

Submitted: 2007/11/04

Answers from John N. Hansen

Has not yet participated.

Answers from William R. Jones

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Joyce C. Rodenhiser

Has not yet participated.

Precinct Two

Answers from Stavros (Steve) Agganis

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Thomas A. Falasca

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Barbara J. Malone

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Stephen J. Manley

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Dennis J. Moschella

Has not yet participated.

Answers from James F. Smith, Jr.

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Stephen D. Sweezey

Has not yet participated.

Precinct Three

Answers from Ronald G. Atkinson

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Eric James Breda

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Arthur David Connors, Jr.

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Karen Cote

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Maureen P. Dever

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Charles F. Gill

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Henry F. Merrifield

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Roger P. Sacilotto, Jr.

E-mail Address:

Precinct: 3

Current Positions Held / Political Experience

Current Occupation / Work Experience

Software Developer, Avid Technology, Inc. (since 1993) Avid makes video and audio editing equipment for the film, television, advertising, educational and music industries.

Degrees Held / Education

B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute (1983)

Currently A Member Of...

There was talk recently of the state taking over Saugus; would this be good or bad, and why?

State takeover would be extremely bad, it would mean that we are not capable of managing our own town. The town either has to live within its revenue limits, or must make a credible and convincing case for voters to approve an override. Failing to do so would represent a failure of leadership.

Do you have any ideas about how to reduce expenses?

The first thing that is needed is to understand exactly what our returns on investment are. Why do we spend the money the way we do? What are mandatory costs, what choices are being made for discretionary programs? What are other communities doing and how much are they spending? We should always try to get the most out of what we have.

What do you think will be the biggest challenge facing the Town of Saugus in the next two years?

Our biggest challenge will be addressing our infrastructure and capital needs while our operational expenses are consuming all our revenues. Our schools, roads and utilities all need attention, but we have virtually no money available. Our reserve fund is non-existent, and we have no long-term planning to make room for capital expenditures.

Do you have any ideas on how Saugus can best protect its neighborhoods from overcrowding?

No answer provided

What else do you think is important?

There is a huge lack of trust in the town government, this needs to be fixed. Decisions need to be made openly. The budget is not sufficient to explain why we need to allocate our resources the way we do. If there is any long-term planning, it's not apparent. The internet enables a virtually infinite amount of information to be available, we need to learn how to open up the workings of government by communicating better with the town citizens.

Submitted: 2007/10/20

Precinct Four

Answers from Rosemarie Connolly

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Peter F. Frontiera

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Janet M. Leuci

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Kevin A. McDermott

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Angelo Serino, Jr.

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Thomas Stewart

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Margaret H. Witten

Has not yet participated.

Precinct Five

Answers from William J. Dembro

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Frederick J. Doucette, Jr.

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Pamela J. Goodwin

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Laura Groark

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Paul M. Petkewich

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Darren Steven Ring

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Betty Ann Sullivan

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Anthony Valente

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Paul J. VanSteenburg, Sr.

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Paul J. VanSteenburg, II

Has not yet participated.

Precinct Six

Answers from Joseph Attubato

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Jean M. Bartolo

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Patrick M. Flynn

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Sean A. Maltais

Political Web Page:

E-mail Address:

Precinct: 6

Current Positions Held / Political Experience

Town Meeting Member 05 – Present

Current Occupation / Work Experience

Simulcast Coordinator for Suffolk Downs Racetrack

Degrees Held / Education

Product of the Saugus School System; Associates Degree in Criminal Justice

Currently A Member Of...

There was talk recently of the state taking over Saugus; would this be good or bad, and why?

If the Commonwealth instituted a control board Saugus would have been the first community with a town form of government to have this distinction. Decisions would have been made for us, without our citizens input. The first step the state would have taken would be the trash fee that I adamantly apposed and voted against during Town Meeting. Springfield is under a control board and they have a trash fee that is imposed by the state. The bottom line is we should have seen this coming long ago, this downward spiral did not happen overnight. I believe a financial plan for the immediate and distant future would have prevented this possibility.

Do you have any ideas about how to reduce expenses?

Selectmen must think outside the box. Obviously, their current way of thinking has not improved our situation regarding expenses. I would also like to see a study from the police and fire chiefs regarding how many officers and firefighters we need so we may reduce our overtime budget. In the past, the reason for not hiring additional help was the exuberant health care costs incurred by the town. With the early acceptance of the G.I.C. and savings, Saugus is expected to see in health care we must address the work force shortage that we have in our police and fire departments. A closed fire station and three officers protecting Saugus while we sleep are unacceptable for our citizens.

What do you think will be the biggest challenge facing the Town of Saugus in the next two years?

A quality education for our children is the biggest challenge Saugus will face in the next two years. Our outdated textbooks and sub par technology is atrocious. Our school system has taken budget cuts so deep they are impossible to fix in a span of two years, not to mention our school buildings will be two years older. I would like to forge a working relationship with our school committee when I become your elected official.

Do you have any ideas on how Saugus can best protect its neighborhoods from overcrowding?

If we prevent overcrowding in our neighborhoods, we also prevent overcrowding in our classrooms. We need to lure developers into town who will build what Saugus would like to see, like 55+ housing or more one-bedroom units. Both would reduce overcrowding in the classroom.

What else do you think is important?

The families and elderly of Saugus deserve elected officials they can trust. If you tell the citizens the sky is falling and it does not fall, you must have a valid reason why it did not.

Submitted: 2007/10/23

Answers from Matthew J. Vecchio

Has not yet participated.

Precinct Seven

Answers from Wayne S. Gautreau

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Timothy R. Hawkes

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Patricia Anne Johnson

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Stephen F. McCarthy

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Nicola M. Nicosia

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Kimberly A. Politano

Has not yet participated.

Precinct Eight

Answers from Anthony C. Carnevale

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Arthur Grabowski

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Robert D. Hoffman

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Anthony J. Lopresti

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Richard C. Mytkowicz

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Stephen A. Nelson

Has not yet participated.

Precinct Nine

Answers from Scott Bluestein

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Edward S. W. Boesel

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Ellen L. Faiella

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Robert J. Long

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Jeffery D. Moses, Sr.

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Rick A. Smith

Has not yet participated.

Precinct Ten

Answers from Sal (Ronnie) Barressi

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Kevin Baumann

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Michael Dockery

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Kenneth J. Foley, Jr.

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Ronald E. Jepson

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Peter Z. Manoogian

E-mail Address:

Precinct: 10

Current Positions Held / Political Experience

Board of Selectmen (1987-1993), Town Meeting (1985-1987, 1993-1997, 2003-present) Chairman of the Saugus Finance Committee (1998-2001). Chairman Bylaw Study Committee (1993) that completed revised and re-codified the town bylaws. I recently initiated the process that obtained the signatures from 15% of the registered voters to place the question on the ballot to form a Charter Commission.

Current Occupation / Work Experience

Technology Curriculum Specialist - Winthrop Public Schools

Degrees Held / Education

I graduated Saugus High School in 1972, hold a Bachelors Degree in History from Salem State College (1976), a Masters Degree in Public Administration from Suffolk University (1991) and a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from Salem State College (2001).

Currently A Member Of...

Saugus Town Meeting - Precint 10

There was talk recently of the state taking over Saugus; would this be good or bad, and why?

I would say it depends. If, for example, Saugus cannot resolve its fiscal issues and if budget cuts become so drastic that public safety and public education is impacted even more than we see now, then the town may be served by the leadership from a state imposed control board. However, if Saugus is capable of resolving its fiscal matters, instilling trust and confidence in the public then I believe Saugus can resolve its problems. In my opinion the major issue in Saugus government is that too few decide too much that affects too many. The lack of financial oversight during a budget cycle is profound. The minimal information provided to and accepted by the part time Finance Committee results in poor financial choices. Our government, as constituted, does not encourage elected or appointed officials to be accountable.

Do you have any ideas about how to reduce expenses?

The Charter Commission could craft a document that encourages more competitive bidding, making sure that the auditing process is separate and apart from the person or persons who expends the budget, requiring performance evaluations based on established goals, as well as requiring as a condition of office that capital as well as financial plans be developed. Furthermore, there could also be required public forums on the budget at least twice per year as well as a public hearing on the budget before the executive branch transmits it to the legislative branch.

What do you think will be the biggest challenge facing the Town of Saugus in the next two years?

Re-establishing trust and credibility to the public. People do not trust this government, with good reason. They are told one thing and then see another. The greatest challenge is to create an environment where the public truly believes participation matters and that their voice counts. They do not think so now.

Do you have any ideas on how Saugus can best protect its neighborhoods from overcrowding?

Under our current governmental structure the Town Manager directs the work of all boards and commissions except the Board of Library Trustees. Hence there should be a collaborative effort to develop and put forth Master Plans, zoning changes, and other means to encourage the most efficient use of land that will meet mutually agreed upon community objectives. We have none of that taking place unless a citizen committee comes forth. A well crafted Town Charter can bring structure and clarity to the process of how land is used and regulated within Saugus.

What else do you think is important?

Public involvement. There are those who fear it, that believe it will "make the process messy." I disagree. With public involvement all things are possible for Saugus. If the public elects to have a Charter Commission and if I am one of the nine elected, public input will be encouraged and listened to. A final proposal will reflect public input and the lineage of that input to the final proposed charter will be documented and clear.

Submitted: 2007/10/24

Answers from Richard Nuzzo

Has not yet participated.

Answers from Joseph E. Palczynski, Jr.

Has not yet participated.