Theater Co. of Saugus presents Romeo and Juliet


Theater Co. of Saugus presents Romeo and Juliet
Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Early birds are okay)
Location: Breakheart Reservation 177 Forest Street (off of the Lynn Fells Parkway)
Type: Meeting     Price per Person: free
The Theatre Company of Saugus (TCS) presents Shakespeare?s Romeo & Juliet, the romantic tragedy by William Shakespeare, in an outdoor setting and is one of the best known productions and loved works of all drama. It is about two lovers from warring families. The time is the immediate present (2012) and the play is set in familiar Massachusetts environs. These Capulets and Montagues are not the grand families usually depicted in the play. On the contrary, they are those that cultivate antagonism with others to distract from the difficulties of their own lives. Yet, love, or more appropriately, passion; particularly the passion of youth, does not make economic or temporal distinctions. This outdoor production, a first for TCS, will be held at the beautiful Breakheart Reservation in association with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation and The Friends of Breakheart Reservation. The show will be presented on the lawn just outside the Dunne Visitor Center. Access to the area is best from the 177 Forest Street (off of the Lynn Fells Parkway) entrance in Saugus. Parking is available at the Visitor Center and at the Kasabuski Rink on Forest Street. The performance dates are Fridays and Saturdays, August 10, 11, 17, & 18, starting at 7:30 PM, with matinees on Saturdays and Sundays, August 11, 12, 18, & 19 at 2:00 PM. Admission is FREE with a $10.00 suggested donation. TCS will also offer refreshments and raffles as well. Seating for the production is on the lawn so be sure to bring a chair or blanket for your comfort in enjoying the show. The show does contain mature situations and parental discretion is advised. For tickets go to website: or call: 781-816-7019 or email:
[Phone] 781-816-7019,