The Herb Gardens, Trees, Plants and Shrubs of the Saugus Iron Works


The Herb Gardens, Trees, Plants and Shrubs of the Saugus Iron Works
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Saugus Iron Works NHS, 244 Central Street, Saugus, MA, 01906
Type: Lecture     Price per Person: free
While Saugus Iron Works is known as a cradle of early American industry, visitors to the site are often struck by the interesting trees, shrubs, and other plants on the property. Surrounding the restored 17th century Iron Works House, is a garden consisting of plants that would be indispensable to the 17th century gardener, many brought from Europe to add flavor to food, treat illnesses, or keep vermin away from the home. Saugus Iron Works is also home to some spectacular trees and shrubs, such as the large purple-leaved European Beech which was probably planted in the early 20th century before the Iron Works became a national park. This special program, led by award-winning landscape designer and garden writer Laura Eisener, includes a 45 minute slide lecture will be provided in the auditorium on gardens of the Colonial period, from early settlement until the time of the Revolution. Afterward, there will be a 45 minute tour of the plants at the Iron Works, from the herb gardens surrounding the house to the nature trail in the lower part of the site. Find Your Park and celebrate the National Park Service Centennial!
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