The Archives

Dailies for June of 1999

June 30, 1999

There were more minor updates made to the Organizations page today.

June 29, 1999

Saugus Town Meeting highlights include the passing of a financial article paying the Vocational School (albeit not as much as the Vocational School wanted) and the passing of two zoning articles. The first strives to make it easier for homeowners to deal with Saugus' Hillside Protection and the latter corrects an oversight in the wording of the Site Plan Review regulations. On a different but related note, Town Meeting Member Dennis Robitaille asked us to post this letter indicating the status of the Board of Appeals situation (see his letter from last October). It is a PDF file.

June 28, 1999

There were numerous minor updates made scattered all across the site; in particular be sure to check out the Organizations page.

June 25, 1999

There were minor updates made to both the Computer Resources and Organizations pages today.

June 24, 1999

There were some minor changes made to the Search the Internet Page today.

June 23, 1999

Minor updates were made to the Computer Terms page today.

June 22, 1999

Saugus Town Meeting highlights include the passing of most of the ordinary financial articles required to run the town, most according to the Finance Committee's recommendations. Small exceptions include the article for funding the Vocational School (tabled until next week) and the articles for funding the Historical Commission and the Conservation Commission (both of which got fully funded against Finance Committee recommendations). Most other financial articles were postponed until later in the year; the general theme was one of tightening up the belt. Town Meeting will resume next Monday night at 7:30 PM.

June 21, 1999

We got carbon copied a response from the Make-A-Wish Foundation concerning the Benefit Concert held a few months ago.

June 18, 1999

There were minor changes made to the Search the Internet Page today.

June 16, 1999

We've posted a few pictures taken at the 1999 Saugus High School Graduation Ceremony.

June 15, 1999

Minor updates were made to the Computer Resources page today.

June 14, 1999

In addition to further minor updates to the Educational Resources page, there have been numerous minor updates in all the usual places (Community Events Calendar, the Yard Sale Calendar, the Guestbook, and of course the Daily News) during the weekend. Remember that these pages get updated so frequently we usually don't explicitly mention them.

June 11, 1999

There have been minor updates made to the Educational Resources page today.

June 10, 1999

There have been numerous additions to the Computer Extensions Reference today.

June 9, 1999

As usual, our Most Popular Pages for the Month Countdown has updated itself to reflect last month's most popular pages. We didn't mention it earlier because of activity related to the Civil War Road Trip, but it did in fact get updated on the first. The popular pages countdown will always get updated at the beginning of each month whether we explicitly mention it or not.

June 8, 1999

We've done a little touch-up work to the Civil War Road Trip now that we're back. It should be a little easier to navigate through.

Also, we'd like to apologize to anyone who had trouble connecting yesterday. Due to some phone company hardware overheating, our bandwidth was extremely limited. It was corrected this morning and should be fine now.

June 3, 1999

The sixth (and final) installment of the educational road trip is now online and covers Chancellorsville, the Wilderness, and Spotsylvania Court House.

June 1, 1999

The fifth installment of the educational road trip is now online and covers Fredericksburg.